Outside the Classroom
The Women's Institute sponsors a wide variety of activities outside the classroom for graduate and undergraduate students interested in women's leadership and gender equity. We recognize that gender intersects with other power structures, including race, class, sexual identity, national origin, religion and more – and therefore our feminism is intersectional. Honoring Chatham's values of inclusion, diversity, and respect, we use a social justice lens to practice gender equity and center those in our work who have historically been most marginalized.
Women’s Leadership Living Learning Community
The Women's Institute provides special programming for the LLC, housed in historic Laughlin Hall (take a tour!), and students plan activities and events that promote women's leadership and gender equity on campus and in the community.
Student Scholarships & Grants
Students have access to special grants to support their research, creative work, and travel to professional conferences.
The Barbara Stone Hollander ’60 Student Leadership Award is awarded annually in memory of Barbara Stone Hollander in recognition of her life-long commitment to providing opportunities for women to assume significant leadership roles. The $2,500 Hollander Student Prize is awarded each year to a student for a practical experience in leadership development.
The Class of ‘64 Women’s Institute Endowed Fund supports undergraduate and graduate students conducting independent projects from any discipline, with an emphasis on women developing leadership skills, and projects focused on women and gender. Students may also use grants from the fund to attend conferences and to present their work in appropriate professional venues. Learn More →
Lecture & Film Series
The Barbara Stone Hollander '60 Lecture in Women's Leadership brings nationally recognized women to campus each year to work closely with students and give a public lecture. Learn more →
The Women's Institute Distinguished Speaker Series hosts leading women in their fields. Read about Magda Brown’s visit to Chatham →
The Just Films Series is a collaboration of the Women's Institute, Black Women’s Policy Agenda, MomsWork powered by NCJW Pittsburgh, Women & Girls Foundation, Women's Law Project, and YWCA Greater Pittsburgh. Monthly screenings of documentaries about gender and social justice are followed by panel discussions featuring local experts and activists. Learn more →
Student Clubs & Programs
The Women's Institute sponsors the Chatham Feminist Coalition, the Zeta Zeta Chapter of the Triota Women’s and Gender Studies Honor Society, and a Planned Parenthood student chapter.
We co-sponsor many student-initiated lectures and events on campus every year. Tell us your idea!
We co-sponsor programs with campus partners such as the Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Alumni Relations, and Career Development.
Gender & Sexual Violence Prevention
The Women's Institute convenes the Gender and Sexual Violence Prevention Committee of the Diversity and Inclusion Council. We are also involved in LGBTQIA+ initiatives promoting a diverse and welcoming campus climate for LGBTQIA+ students.